We all love jewelry. Not only does it perform as the perfect accessory, but jewelry can also hold meaning to us. There are various types of jewelry that you can get today. Examples of these are necklaces, earrings, bangles and bracelets. Out of these, bracelets are hugely popular among various age groups.
What are modern bracelets made of?
Bracelets are made of various materials. Examples of these materials are leather, plastic and interestingly, guitar strings. You can actually buy guitar string bracelets. Get strung is a brand of bracelets that are made of guitar strings. The idea to make them was innovated by Jenny Mann. She came up with the idea to make the Peace sign charm bracelet during a journey to a tour in 2014. She and her band Blameshift sold the bracelets alongside other merchandise during shows and received a warm reception.
Types of Strung bracelets which you can get
The bracelets from Strung are organized into various collections. These are given unique names, such as "Money, Power and Respect" as well as "The Spirit of Rock". They are also available as individual units. Examples of these are the "Black Tassel", Guitar pick charm bracelets and even the "Dream Catcher". Individual pieces retail for $24 each. Fans of the band that makes Strung bracelets indicate that they bring good luck. The charms on the bracelets have good effects on the wearers and therefore these pieces of jewelry enjoy a massive following.